Built to cruise, our medium-aspect, carbon-fiber E Series wings will get you up on foil early with confidence inspiring stability. From wake to wing to surf, our E Series wings make foiling easy across multiple sport categories.
Phantasm E 1090 Front Wing, Hardware (316 Stainless Steel Torx), Neoprene Wing Cover
Fun / Easy / Progression
The largest of our three sizes of medium-aspect, carbon-fiber E Series front wings, the E 1090 has super early lift and great rail-to-rail stability with downturned wingtips for safety. Our E Series wings have a wide chord center profile that tapers to narrower wingtips, getting you up onto foil early while retaining great pumpability and glide. From wake to wing to surf, our E Series wings make foiling easy across multiple sport categories.
SURFACE AREA (cm2) = 2200SPAN (mm) = 1090CHORD (mm) = 288ASPECT RATIO = 5.4
We wanted a range of medium-aspect, carbon-fiber front wings that would make foiling easy across multiple sports categories.
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