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SABfoil Medusa PRO 869 | T8 Hydrofoil Front Wing
549,00 CHF
The Medusa PRO line is a concentrate of speed and power with a twist on design.
Designed specifically for superior acceleration and high top speeds, the Medusa PRO line features incredible pop, and, thanks to the super strong T8 connection, it proves to be the ideal choice for Power Freestyle sessions and the execution of advanced aerial maneuvers.
These features also make it a must-have product for all those who wish to Freeride and Freerace while cruising at maximum speed and stability with T8 fuselages.
The Medusa PRO 869 front wing finds its best use in Wing and Wind foiling in medium-low wind conditions and is also able to offer great emotions during Kitefoil sessions in very light wind and Surf foiling.