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SABfoil Leviathan 1150 Pro Finish | T8 Hydrofoil Front Wing
749,00 CHF
The Leviathan 1150 front wing, with its high wingspan, medium surface, and high aspect ratio, offers quick starts and efficient rides for those already trained in pumping and dock-start.
Thanks to its excellent gliding, it's a great option also for wingfoil and downwind in medium-low wind conditions. The reduced drag due to its relatively small surface area allows for very good speeds for its dimensions, making it a top choice for those who want to take the Leviathan experience to the limit.
The WL1150/PF is hand sanded to achieve a matte surface with 0-thickness graphics, the SAB Pro Finish, for an elegant Made in Italy product with maximum performance.
Its large size makes it unsuitable for jumps and freestyle.